
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pitching a Change Up

Hey y'all...

Ok, not that much change. As this was a new endeavor for me, I didn't realize what went into posting something everyday. I also don't want to post something just to post something. So I'm making a few changes.

  1. I will be posting about one time per week.
  2. I will be posting my measurements.
  3. I will be adding a photo page.
  4. And maybe some more if I think of it.
So be looking out for (as my dear friend calls it) irreverent humor. I promise to try and deliver you a little smile each time. And as always, feel free to send me a message. I love to know that you are interested.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


And I'm back. After the last several weeks packed with festivities and a super-mucous-voice-stealing-wonder virus... I. Am. Back. Ok, not 100% but enough to get back on track. No more chicken broth for me for a while!

To business. My husband and I recently got a Kinect. Before playing any games I put on a sports bra. As I was prancing around the living room the other day (attempting Dance Central), I realized that all of the rest of me was blorbbing around. So I ask, is there a "sports bra" for the rest of your body? No? I'll make millions!

Weight: 214.8