Ok... so, as most of us do, I made a zillion excuses about why it was ok to indulge this holiday season. This last week my mother-in-law has been visiting from out-of-state and because of that we got to hang out with my husband's brother quite a bit. He is a super cool dude and when he and my husband get together it is pure awesomeness.
In this last year, said brother-in-law (I will call him by the code name I just gave him: Houndstooth) has been diagnosed with Type 1.5 Diabetes. Now, I don't know very many people who hear something like this and do pretty much a 180 overnight with what they eat. Houndstooth did.
As a side note, my husband's dad was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when he was seven and with the help of his family, lead a happy life. I recently got to read several letters that he mailed to my husband as he was growing up and I can truly say that he was a remarkable man.
Right. Back on track. I had been doing some egregious cheating. We went to have some Indian food to celebrate my husband's birthday (HAPPY BDAY HONEY!!!) and I sat across from Houndstooth. As I was shoveling naan in my face, Houndstooth ordered Lemon Grass & Cilantro Soup. The guilt that I was expecting to feel was replaced with inspiration.
My conclusion? It takes one decision to change. None of this waiting to make it a habit before you can change bullshit. Just make a decision and stick to it. Want to start taking vitamins? Make a decision and just do it. Want to eat better? Make a decision and just do it. Oh yeah, and do it for more than the two or three months that everyone else is doing it at the beginning of each year.
We all know almost exactly what we should and should not be eating. It is a matter of making a conscience decision and no excuses.
Here is to you Houndstooth. I will replay that dinner in my head often. You inspire me.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas Craziness
I fully intended to post everyday during the holidays... not so much. I look forward to getting back on track with posting after the first of the year. Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Christmas Crap
Our break room usually has some sort of goodie that someone has brought in about one time per week. Since around Thanksgiving it has been a non-stop parade of "gifts".
I give you... the gift of fatness!
I don't know who thought the five gallon bucket of tricolor popcorn was a good idea; I assure you, it was not. I am proud to say that I haven't been suckered into eating one morsel.
Next year, anyone who gets the bright idea to send over some "treats" will get a tub of lard in return. Thank you for your business.
Weight: 216.4
I give you... the gift of fatness!
I don't know who thought the five gallon bucket of tricolor popcorn was a good idea; I assure you, it was not. I am proud to say that I haven't been suckered into eating one morsel.
Next year, anyone who gets the bright idea to send over some "treats" will get a tub of lard in return. Thank you for your business.
Weight: 216.4
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Baby Steps
I am here to admit that I did not fare as well as I had hoped. HOWEVER, I was totally conscience of the fact that when I put that delicious baguette with jalapeno dippy stuff in my mouth, I wasn't making the best choice.
Eating is a habit. And, maybe it is just me but the fact that I was aware of what I was putting in my mouth is a baby step I needed. It is very easy to start out all gung-ho but it is more important to (prepare for cliches)...
Have a quote or quip that you think others might find fun/interesting/inspiring? Post it in the comments. I will be sure to flag this post and whenever I'm feeling a little down you will be the one who helps me carry on. Thanks and have a great week... Christmas count down: five-ish days.
Weight: 216.8
Eating is a habit. And, maybe it is just me but the fact that I was aware of what I was putting in my mouth is a baby step I needed. It is very easy to start out all gung-ho but it is more important to (prepare for cliches)...
- Take two steps forward, one step back
- Get back up on the horse
- Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can
- Fall seven times, stand up eight
- Get back on the wagon
Have a quote or quip that you think others might find fun/interesting/inspiring? Post it in the comments. I will be sure to flag this post and whenever I'm feeling a little down you will be the one who helps me carry on. Thanks and have a great week... Christmas count down: five-ish days.
Weight: 216.8
Saturday, December 18, 2010
I'm freeee... Free falling!
Any of you who have had a lapse in working out know what I'm talking about. Your legs are sore, and muscle hurt that you forgot you had. You go to sit down (on the toilet) and the last six inches you have to just plop. Welcome to my morning.
Weight: 215.6
Weight: 215.6
Friday, December 17, 2010
Happy Christmas Crawl!
Do you want to know why most people resolve to eat healthy for the new year? Because there are too many amazing and delicious parties in December. For example:
Friday - Festive Cardiff Pub Crawl (I will be the one dressed snowman-esque)
Saturday - Temecula Wine Crawl followed by dinner and white elephant
Sunday - Pre-Christams, Christmas at the parents'
Monday - Dinner at Island Prime
No break in sight until after the New Year... I feel like calling in sick to everything. I will stay home and eat my twigs and berries, thank you very much.
Weight: 214.6
Friday - Festive Cardiff Pub Crawl (I will be the one dressed snowman-esque)
Saturday - Temecula Wine Crawl followed by dinner and white elephant
Sunday - Pre-Christams, Christmas at the parents'
Monday - Dinner at Island Prime
No break in sight until after the New Year... I feel like calling in sick to everything. I will stay home and eat my twigs and berries, thank you very much.
Weight: 214.6
Thursday, December 16, 2010
I have decided that going to the gym is lame. I could totally be doing something else way more fun. I say working out should be coupled with something lame that you have to do anyway, like sitting in traffic.
I've thought of several different possibilities:
Weight: 213.6
I've thought of several different possibilities:
- Workout DVD. Almost all cars now come with a player built in. I'm sure if Cindy Crawford can figure out how to workout in the middle of the desert with Rafu she can figure out how to make a video while driving.
- For all of you tree huggers out there (you know who you are). Remove the driver's seat and insert either a) a bicycle or b) a hamster wheel. You want to go somewhere? You're going to have to earn it.
- For you lazy MoFo's like me... those Tens Unit things. I mean if it is meant to stimulate your muscles, it's a work out, right? It could plug right in to the outlet formerly know as your cigarette lighter. I do imagine that there may be some risk of a power surge and being electrocuted but hey, no pain - no gain.
Weight: 213.6
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
My Favorite Food Groups
Cheese. Bread. Wine. Not necessarily in that order.
The bastards at Boudin keep putting bread in the bag with my salmon salad. The next bread peddelar to make that mistake gets a roundhouse kick to the neck.
My tip to you? Stare at a picture of your fat ass while the delicious bread is taunting you... that multi-grain jerk doesn't stand a chance.
The bastards at Boudin keep putting bread in the bag with my salmon salad. The next bread peddelar to make that mistake gets a roundhouse kick to the neck.
My tip to you? Stare at a picture of your fat ass while the delicious bread is taunting you... that multi-grain jerk doesn't stand a chance.
Weight: 213.0
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I Just Threw Up In My Mouth A Little
So... yeah. Maybe I should have taken the pictures and viewed them before I committed to posting them. My guess is that you are asking yourself the same question I asked myself when I saw these pictures: Do I not own a full length mirror?
Seriously, how did I let myself get this far from center?
Journey to be had, indeed.

On a note the same but different, I have the best husband ever! He left quite early this morning, well before I was awake (more on me not being a morning person later). And I found this:

Weight: 215.2
Seriously, how did I let myself get this far from center?
Journey to be had, indeed.
On a note the same but different, I have the best husband ever! He left quite early this morning, well before I was awake (more on me not being a morning person later). And I found this:
Weight: 215.2
Monday, December 13, 2010
Today's Rant:
Strawberries. I live in SoCal. Land of the the perfect temperature. So why do strawberries taste like moist carboard? Barf.
Height: 5' 3"
Weight chart ideal lbs for my height: 111 - 148
My goal: 130
Lbs: 217.6
Waist: 43
Thigh: 22.5
Arm: 13
Neck: 16
BMI: 38.5
Okay, so Edward O. Wilson I would consider to be a bit cracker dog (a term our family affectionately uses courtesy of James Herriot). Truly, anyone who chooses to study ants has to be a few clowns short of a circus but I thought it appropriate for our voyage.
"You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however hard the path. Aim high. Behave honorably. Prepare to be alone at times, and to endure failure. Persist! The world needs all you can give." -Edward O. Wilson
Tomorrow... pictures. Let the games begin!
Strawberries. I live in SoCal. Land of the the perfect temperature. So why do strawberries taste like moist carboard? Barf.
Height: 5' 3"
Weight chart ideal lbs for my height: 111 - 148
My goal: 130
Lbs: 217.6
Waist: 43
Thigh: 22.5
Arm: 13
Neck: 16
BMI: 38.5
Okay, so Edward O. Wilson I would consider to be a bit cracker dog (a term our family affectionately uses courtesy of James Herriot). Truly, anyone who chooses to study ants has to be a few clowns short of a circus but I thought it appropriate for our voyage.
"You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however hard the path. Aim high. Behave honorably. Prepare to be alone at times, and to endure failure. Persist! The world needs all you can give." -Edward O. Wilson
Tomorrow... pictures. Let the games begin!
It Begins
Here I am at 12:49 in the morning and I am consumed with the thought of, "no more messing around... get this done."
If you count shenanigans with your brother as a competitive sport (as I do) I have been competing from the age of about four, organized sports shortly thereafter. I have an amazing brother whom I love and miss dearly (hint, hint. Come back to Cali).
My kick-ass dad built us a regulation size soccer goal in our backyard. We moved there in April of 1981 and my parents sold the house in 2005 and headed for the hills. All this to say, that my brother and I had some serious one-on-one match ups. Three knee surgeries and several broken windows later, I can state with 100% certainty that a competitive spirit lives in me. It is ingrained in my soul and although it has been dormant for a while… I feel it bubbling to the surface.
This is what I know will be the integral part of me succeeding. I have a competitive, team spirit in my heart but I think I forgot how to be on my own team. No more.
This is a place that I plan to be very frank. It is not to get the, “you don’t weigh that much”, “you carry your weight really well”, comments. It is simply me being really honest about where I have been and where I want to go. Plus there is an element of accountability that goes along with publishing all of this. Now you are asking yourself what “all of this” is. Here goes:
Every day-ish I will be posting my weight, waist, thigh, arm and neck measurements. And a picture. That’s right. A. Picture.
Now before you freak out, I will say that my bathing suit covers slightly more and most people’s bathing suits cover far less. So, bear witness to my chub. It won’t be here for long.
If you count shenanigans with your brother as a competitive sport (as I do) I have been competing from the age of about four, organized sports shortly thereafter. I have an amazing brother whom I love and miss dearly (hint, hint. Come back to Cali).
My kick-ass dad built us a regulation size soccer goal in our backyard. We moved there in April of 1981 and my parents sold the house in 2005 and headed for the hills. All this to say, that my brother and I had some serious one-on-one match ups. Three knee surgeries and several broken windows later, I can state with 100% certainty that a competitive spirit lives in me. It is ingrained in my soul and although it has been dormant for a while… I feel it bubbling to the surface.
This is what I know will be the integral part of me succeeding. I have a competitive, team spirit in my heart but I think I forgot how to be on my own team. No more.
This is a place that I plan to be very frank. It is not to get the, “you don’t weigh that much”, “you carry your weight really well”, comments. It is simply me being really honest about where I have been and where I want to go. Plus there is an element of accountability that goes along with publishing all of this. Now you are asking yourself what “all of this” is. Here goes:
Every day-ish I will be posting my weight, waist, thigh, arm and neck measurements. And a picture. That’s right. A. Picture.
Now before you freak out, I will say that my bathing suit covers slightly more and most people’s bathing suits cover far less. So, bear witness to my chub. It won’t be here for long.
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