
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pitching a Change Up

Hey y'all...

Ok, not that much change. As this was a new endeavor for me, I didn't realize what went into posting something everyday. I also don't want to post something just to post something. So I'm making a few changes.

  1. I will be posting about one time per week.
  2. I will be posting my measurements.
  3. I will be adding a photo page.
  4. And maybe some more if I think of it.
So be looking out for (as my dear friend calls it) irreverent humor. I promise to try and deliver you a little smile each time. And as always, feel free to send me a message. I love to know that you are interested.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


And I'm back. After the last several weeks packed with festivities and a super-mucous-voice-stealing-wonder virus... I. Am. Back. Ok, not 100% but enough to get back on track. No more chicken broth for me for a while!

To business. My husband and I recently got a Kinect. Before playing any games I put on a sports bra. As I was prancing around the living room the other day (attempting Dance Central), I realized that all of the rest of me was blorbbing around. So I ask, is there a "sports bra" for the rest of your body? No? I'll make millions!

Weight: 214.8

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Ok... so, as most of us do, I made a zillion excuses about why it was ok to indulge this holiday season. This last week my mother-in-law has been visiting from out-of-state and because of that we got to hang out with my husband's brother quite a bit. He is a super cool dude and when he and my husband get together it is pure awesomeness.

In this last year, said brother-in-law (I will call him by the code name I just gave him: Houndstooth) has been diagnosed with Type 1.5 Diabetes. Now, I don't know very many people who hear something like this and do pretty much a 180 overnight with what they eat. Houndstooth did.

As a side note, my husband's dad was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when he was seven and with the help of his family, lead a happy life. I recently got to read several letters that he mailed to my husband as he was growing up and I can truly say that he was a remarkable man.

Right. Back on track. I had been doing some egregious cheating. We went to have some Indian food to celebrate my husband's birthday (HAPPY BDAY HONEY!!!) and I sat across from Houndstooth. As I was shoveling naan in my face, Houndstooth ordered Lemon Grass & Cilantro Soup. The guilt that I was expecting to feel was replaced with inspiration.

My conclusion? It takes one decision to change. None of this waiting to make it a habit before you can change bullshit. Just make a decision and stick to it. Want to start taking vitamins? Make a decision and just do it. Want to eat better? Make a decision and just do it. Oh yeah, and do it for more than the two or three months that everyone else is doing it at the beginning of each year.

We all know almost exactly what we should and should not be eating. It is a matter of making a conscience decision and no excuses.

Here is to you Houndstooth. I will replay that dinner in my head often. You inspire me.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Craziness

I fully intended to post everyday during the holidays... not so much. I look forward to getting back on track with posting after the first of the year. Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Crap

Our break room usually has some sort of goodie that someone has brought in about one time per week. Since around Thanksgiving it has been a non-stop parade of "gifts".

I give you... the gift of fatness!

I don't know who thought the five gallon bucket of tricolor popcorn was a good idea; I assure you, it was not. I am proud to say that I haven't been suckered into eating one morsel.

Next year, anyone who gets the bright idea to send over some "treats" will get a tub of lard in return. Thank you for your business.

Weight: 216.4

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Baby Steps

I am here to admit that I did not fare as well as I had hoped. HOWEVER, I was totally conscience of the fact that when I put that delicious baguette with jalapeno dippy stuff in my mouth, I wasn't making the best choice.

Eating is a habit. And, maybe it is just me but the fact that I was aware of what I was putting in my mouth is a baby step I needed. It is very easy to start out all gung-ho but it is more important to (prepare for cliches)...

  • Take two steps forward, one step back
  • Get back up on the horse
  • Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can
  • Fall seven times, stand up eight
  • Get back on the wagon
Are any of you playing along (i.e. on your own journey to get in shape, eat better, et al)?

Have a quote or quip that you think others might find fun/interesting/inspiring? Post it in the comments. I will be sure to flag this post and whenever I'm feeling a little down you will be the one who helps me carry on. Thanks and have a great week... Christmas count down: five-ish days.

Weight: 216.8

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I'm freeee... Free falling!

Any of you who have had a lapse in working out know what I'm talking about. Your legs are sore, and muscle hurt that you forgot you had. You go to sit down (on the toilet) and the last six inches you have to just plop. Welcome to my morning.

Weight: 215.6